Exhibition Montichiari CACIB (I) 08.04.2018

Midnight Ladys Pow Wow for Fairweathers

Catalog No: 337
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB

The Waves Sons Best Liked

Catalog No: 338
Rating: SG2
Class: Offene
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)

Christalmar Newfy You Tube at Ursinus Velutus

Catalog No: 339
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)
Anwartschaft: CAC-R, CACIB-R

Golden Oak River O´Bay

Catalog No: 340
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)

Starry Town Pel Un Pan

Catalog No: 341
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)
Anwartschaft: Junior-BOB

The Waves Sons Yes, We Can

Catalog No: 342
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)

The Waves Sons Knickerbockers

Catalog No: 343
Rating: V1
Class: Veteran Dog (6,1)
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)
Anwartschaft: Veteranen-BOB, BOB

The Waves Sons On Hot Love

Catalog No: 344
Class: ausser Konkurrenz
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)

Victoria degli Angeli Neri

Catalog No: 345
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)
Anwartschaft: CAC, CACIB, BOS

Cristalmar Newfy Sweet Symphony at Ursinus Velutus

Catalog No: 346
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)

Fairweathers Crazy for Coco Paws

Catalog No: 346
Rating: fehlt
Class: Jugend
Judge: Sharon Smith (USA)